Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
In September 2021 we trained new anti-bullying ambassadors from year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. They were trained through The Diana Award and have been putting their new skills in to practise amazingly well already.
Our Ambassadors aim in 2021/22 is to:
(The Ambassador’s list)
- Refresh anti-bullying procedures.
- Shout about how bullying is not acceptable in our school.
- Support children who feel they are being bullied.
- Have the ambassadors on duty at playtimes and use the anti-bullying boxes properly in school.
- Continue to create a culture of kindness only in our school.
- Produce information newsletters.
- Plan and lead assemblies for children.
- Rewrite our school anti-bullying policy.
- Create a child friendly anti bullying charter.
- Hold and lead an information evening for parents.
- Organise exciting and helpful events during anti-bullying week and throughout the year.
- Act as role models in and outside of school.
- Be upstanders and stand up to bullying in our school.
- Have an ambassador noticeboard
Anti-Bullying Week 2021
We held a fun anti-bullying week in November 2021. We had a big competition to design a new school anti-bullying logo. The winner was Daisy from Leopard Class and here is her logo. This was chosen by the Anti-bullying ambassadors.
We will display this around the schools.
During the week we also:
- We refreshed our memories of what bullying is and how we can prevent this happening at Yatton Junior School
- We discussed the different types of bullying
- Painted pebbles to create a lovely colourful pebble display for the outside of our school. The pebbles had to fit the theme of the week of ‘one kind word’
- The ambassadors were busy being ‘on duty’ and leading assemblies
- Every class did a march around the school with placards to show that we are working together to make a stand against bullying
- We sang ‘sing’ together every day at 3pm
- The ambassadors created a video to be seen by every child
- We held a compliment and smile day for children and staff
Photos from anti bullying week -
Kindness rocks!
Anti-bullying march
Anti-Bullying Charter
In addition to writing a new school policy the anti-bullying ambassadors have also written an anti-bullying charter which can be seen in each classroom.
Yatton Infant and Junior School Anti-Bullying Charter
What is bullying?
The agreed Yatton Schools definition of Bullying:
Repeated unkind behaviour that is intended to makes others feel upset, uncomfortable or unsafe.
How can we prevent bullying?
- To treat each other with respect and kindness at playtimes and in the classroom
- To play fairly
- To think about the school rules always: Safe, Ready, Respect.
What to do if you are being bullied:
- Never tackle a situation alone
- Always tell a trusted adult
- Be an upstander and try telling the person to STOP!
- Talk to an Anti-Bullying Ambassador at playtimes
- Post a note in the anti-bullying box
- Never be mean back
What to do if you see someone else get bullied:
- Tell a trusted adult
- Talk to an Anti-Bullying Ambassador
- Be an upstander and tell the bully to STOP!
- Don’t join in, tell the bully to stop and tell an adult
- Post a note in the anti-bullying box
- Check if the person is OK
- Support them to walk away
What the adults will do if they see bullying or a bullying incident has been reported to them:
- Adults will always promote positive behaviours
- Adults will always listen to children if they feel they are being bullied or have seen bullying happen
- Adults will always report bullying to the leadership team
- Adults will follow the school’s policy and report bullying behaviours to parents after giving the person bullying a chance to stop.
- Adults will support the person bullying to stop and to see what they are doing wrong
- Children who are bullying will be monitored to make sure it doesn’t happen again
- For serious incidents or repeated bullying after a warning the child may be taken off the playground for an agreed period of time.
New Year Resolution
The ambassadors met during the first week back at school in January. They spent time reflecting on the work that had been carried out already and what can be done next. The ambassadors have spoke with many children throughout the school. The children have said through surveys that they have felt supported. This is a direct quote from the whole school assembly which took place in January 2022.
“We believe that MOST of the incidents have not being a bullying incident and have been friendship issues OR someone using unkind words without thinking – both of which are causing people in our school great upset.
We have decided to set a new year challenge – we want everyone in the school to USE KIND WORDS ONLY. We have noticed and heard that children are even using unkind words or phrases, even to their own friends. We want this to stop! It is unnecessary to cause other people upset. Some people do this as a joke – it is not funny!
From today onwards we are to focus on being a KIND school – we will treat each other with kindness and respect. Think before you speak, unless it doesn’t make the other person feel good - don’t say it.
Even better is – let’s start using more kind words to each other – the smile and compliment day went so well – let’s keep it going!
At Yatton Schools we use kind words only.