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The School Dogs

Ozzy is one of our school dogs at Yatton Schools.  He was born on 20th May 2018.  He is a golden-doodle and loves being with people!

Max is the other school dog and he is a rough coated Jack Russell born in March 2021.


Labradoodles and Jack Russells are by nature gentle and friendly creatures and Ozzy & Max are very affectionate, sociable dogs.  Ozzy attends school on a Monday-Wednesday and Max attends on a Thursday & Friday. They are popular members of the school community.

Their main place of residence whilst in school is Miss Keeble’s office. They are available for the children to pat and play with under strict supervision at certain times of the day.  They are available to work with children who have special needs, suffer bereavement or who are upset in any way and in need of calm, comfort and space before being able to tell an adult what has upset them.

Children from both the Infant and Junior Schools have gained a great deal of enjoyment from having a school dog and Ozzy & Max have both become an established part of life at Yatton Schools as their predecessor, Lola, was.   A full risk assessment has been prepared for each of the dogs.

Ozzy has his own instagram account where you can follow his adventures; Ozzyschooldoodle.


Lola was our first school dog who attended school most days since September 2010 when she was just 5 months old until August 2018 when she retired.