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Behaviour and Anti Bullying

At Yatton Schools, our behaviour expectations are based around 3 rules:

  • To be Safe
  • To be Ready
  • To be Respectful

These three rules encompass a variety of different behaviours that we expect in school and are intended to provide a simple way for the school community to talk about behaviour, understand behaviours and remember what is expected.

We  celebrate children who show behaviour that is SAFE, READY and RESPECTFUL through classroom rewards designed by teachers in collaboration with their class at the beginning of the year (through the PSHE Jigsaw scheme).

We always aim to give first attention to those doing the right thing – the expected behaviours – to make learners feel important and valued. This may be achieved in various ways: for example, through positive comments, positive notes, meeting and greeting children at the door, recognition boards in the classroom.

We celebrate children who show us behaviour which is ‘above and beyond’ our expectations –  through sending postcards home, for example.

We  help children who choose not to keep the three rules of SAFE, READY, RESPECT through consistent strategies underpinned by high expectations.

Further information on our ‘3 Rules’, the process we follow for children choosing not to follow these rules and our behaviour policy (including examples of sheets and forms we use) can be accessed by clicking the links below.


Respect and Anti Bullying

We take any  incidents of bullying very seriously and aim to deal with them swiftly and efficiently. We invest a good deal of time exploring bullying issues with the children, including the effects and impact of bullying behaviours, through our PSHE Jigsaw programme, Anti-Bullying Week materials and activities, class discussions, and in whole school assemblies and collective worship built around  our school values.

Our Anti-Bullying Policies (on the Policies and Key Documents Page) provide information on what bullying is, the forms it might take, and how we try to prevent it and respond to it.