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Home Learning

For children who are unable to attend school and need to do their learning at home (eg, due to Covid self-isolation), links to learning resources will be provided on the year group pages from week beginning Monday 7th September. Although the activities may not often match exactly the tasks the children will be doing in the classroom, they will follow the same general topics and learning objectives. Learning and information for Reception (EYFS) children will often be sent out via Tapestry.

Yatton Schools Remote Learning Plan 2021-22

Remote Learning Q&As 

This page will continue to have links to more general learning resources as well as links to organisations and materials you may find useful sources of support, especially at this time.

Teacher emails: We really encourage you and your children to be in touch with the teachers – see year group pages for contact details.

Please click on the links to the right to access each Year Group's Home Learning activities  and contact information.


World Book Day activities - general activities for World Book Day. Your child's Year Group team may have also set specific tasks on Teams or Year Group page of website.


Parents: You should have received emails providing instructions and log in details for accessing Microsoft Teams.

You will need to log in at 

You will need to add to the end of your username log in.

This will be used primarily if or when your child is not able to be in school if they are self-isolating, a bubble closes or in the event of a wider school closure. However, from now on there may also be other occasions when your child might be expected to take part or access some activities on Teams or we may wish to communicate with you or your child via Teams or use it for some meetings when it is difficult to meet in person. Further guidance is available here - but please note that we are not planning to use all of these features, at least at first!

Guidance for parents on Microsoft Teams

Signing into Teams for the first time

How to return an assignment in Teams

We aim to record all of our scheduled Teams Meetings that we have with the children. Here is how you can find and download these recordings in case you were not able to join them live:

How to download recordings of Teams meetings

Use of Teams - Safeguarding, Rules and Guidance 

 Keeping your child safe and happy is always a high priority so the school staff will keep a close eye on all chat and communication on Teams to ensure it is kind and respectful. Children will be expected to follow the rules of the school – SAFE, READY and RESPECT online. Please read Appendix F of our E-safety policy which refers to rules and expectations of Teams meetings: Yatton Schools E-safety policy Appendix F  The full policy can be viewed on the Policies and Key Documents page in the Yatton Schools 'About Our Schools' section. 


We have subscribed to ‘Bug Club’- a fantastic resource for every reader across the school. From Reception through to Year 6, it enables children to access a personalised set of books, both fiction and non-fiction, in an online format. Not only will pupils have the opportunity to read on an alternative platform, but their understanding of what they have read will also be a key focus. We want to offer it as a source of free reading material for your child at this time.

Go to:  This is the link to the Bug Club website. You will need to log your child into their individual account in order to access the selection of books your child's class teacher has allocated to them. Details of how to do this and further information about Bug Club can be found in this guide we have put together for you:

Getting to know Bug Club guide for parents

If you have any difficulty accessing the Bug Club, please email your child's teacher or the school office and we will provide further help for you. Please also see the guidance below, especially if you are trying to access Bug Club via an ipad or iPhone:

Bug Club and iPads: We have become aware of some issues with accessing the site or opening the books using the Safari browser on iPads. 

Log in issues on iPads:  Here is a link from Pearson, the company behind Bug Club, providing some troubleshooting guidance if you get an error message when trying to log in on your iPad:

If you can log in but the books won't open for you, here is a link to a solution involving Enabling Pop-ups:

Allow pop-ups on ipad

General troubleshooting for accessing Bug Club : Bug Club troubleshooting guide



We have signed up to Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars!

NumBots is an online game and playing little and often should significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have. 

Numbots letter for parents

Times Tables Rock Stars is aimed at the Junior children and is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! 

Time Tables Rock Stars parent information

The children have been shown how to login and should have brought home a username label. They might need some help navigating to the website and entering the details but once they’re in, they just need some quiet space to get on with the games for 5 minutes or so regularly.

Please ask your child’s teacher if you're struggling to login or for any other queries about Numbots or Times Tables Rock Stars.

Numbots and TTRS Maths Help guide

Our Christian Values

Bible stories for Term 6 2021

Bible Stories for Term 5 2021

Our current Value in Term 6 2021 is: TRUTH and TRUTHFULNESS

Christians believe that Truth is revealed in the Bible in the person and life of Jesus. Through Jesus' teaching and the stories he told an insight into the nature of God and the way He wants us to live. When we look at our Christian value of TRUTH and TRUTHFULNESS through our worship and weekly Bible stories we encourage everyone to have the courage to be honest and truthful with each other and making the right moral choices. We consider the concept of being true to ourselves and the idea of searching for the truth. 

"Tell the truth to each other" (Zechariah 8.16)

Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

What some other people have said about TRUTHFULNESS and TRUTH: 

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.”
(William Faulkner)

'Be truthful, gentle and fearless' (Mahatma Gandhi) - why do you think he believed truth should be told with gentleness? 

'Stop hanging out with people that tell you what you want to hear. Hang out with people who tell you the truth.' (Eric Thomas)

“Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear.” (St. Catherine of Siena)

'Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth" (Buddha)

'Truth is complete, it needs no exaggeration" (Anon)

"If you can't tell the truth to the people you care about the most, eventually you stop being able to tell the truth to yourself." (Cassandra Clare)

'A lie is like a snowball, it starts off small and then grows and grows until a point were it gets so big it falls apart and then the truth is discovered.' (Chris Hughes)

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." (Elvis Presley)

Which quote do you like the best? Which one means most to you? Why?

Our school vision says: 'We want to grow, celebrate and make a difference'. Can you think about how considering the value of Truth and Truthfulness might help us to do this? 

A Prayer for Truth and Honesty:

Loving God of Truth

Thank you for the peace we feel when we are truthful. Please help us to have the courage to be honest and to stand up for the things we know to be right, whatever the cost.


To help you discuss the value, read a Bible story and do some activities, please see this activity sheet: 

Activity Sheet: Truthfulness 

Prayers: The Church of England has produced some child-friendly prayers which you may choose to share with your child at this time. Follow the link below at the bottom of the page.

RE Home Learning:

Here are some resources you can access at home to support your child's learning about religion:

BBC Bitesize RE - 7-11 year olds can find out about different religions and non-religious worldviews through BBC Bitesize

My Life, My Religion - Short BBC films for 7-11 year olds featuring children from 5 of the world’s major religions

True Tube A series of films suitable for pupils aged 7-11 on a variety of topics such as a History of Islam in 10 minutes, the Easter story in 3 parts, a day in the life of a vicar, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, visits to places of worship in the Holy Cribs series and much much more.

Other Resources 

We are currently trying our best to provide plans and activities that are most suited to your children’s year group and stages of development. There are many more general resources available online that you may wish to access. Please click on the link below for a list of websites and apps that you may choose to explore. We anticipate that this list will be updated regularly as we become aware of new home learning resources.

Website links and apps for parents

Coronavirus Parents, we have been sent this link to an e-book on Covid-19 which you might find useful if you are looking for a way to talk with your child about the virus and what is happening: What’s Going On – explaining Covid-19 to younger children. Here is a child-friendly video guide that you may choose to share: Konnie Huq’s Guide to CoronaVirus As always, it’s best for you to check it out first before showing your child.

Coronovirus - A Book for Children  - a very useful book providing lots of interesting information and guidance to children

The School Nurse Team is here to provide support to children, young people and families in North Somerset. Click on the link to find out about the services it can provide at this time: School Nurse Poster 

Mental Health and Wellbeing  If you are looking for help in supporting your family’s mental health and wellbeing you may find this document produced by Backwell School useful. It includes links to various agencies and organisations that can provide support. Mental Wellbeing Help

WE Well-being: click on the link to access excellent resources and toolkits from this charity supporting well-being: WE well-being

Educational Psychology Service Please click on the link for information about the services the Educational Psychology Service (EPS) can offer during these difficult times, including how to access their helpline: EPS Helpline

Online Safety Parents, we are aware that children may be spending more time online than usual at this time. You may wish to read this advice on keeping your children safe online: 6 Top Tips to Keep Children Safe Online during school closure 

Real PE’ at home – online learning resources. We use ‘Real PE’ in school – we have now been sent a link so that parents can access an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. Click here for more information and log in details!

Maths: For information on how we teach the different methods of calculation in school, please click here to access our Calculation Policy.This illustrates the progression of the various strategies we teach the children from Reception through to Y6.

Computing / ICT: Here are some ICT lessons for each year group.