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Special Educational Needs (SEND)

We pride ourselves on being a very inclusive school.  We aim to personalise learning to allow every child to make progress and be successful.  Every child’s attainment is continually assessed and their progress is tracked and evaluated.  In this way, we can quickly identify any child with additional needs.

Our Special Educational Needs Information Report is reviewed annually to reflect changes in national legislation and Local Education Authority provision. Our policy details how we identify SEN.

Our latest SEND policy can be downloaded below or from the  Policies and Key Documents page.       

Parents are consulted and fully involved from the start.  Through carefully constructed Personal provision plans , Behaviour Plans or Provision Maps,  extra support and opportunities are provided for cognition and learning, communication, social and emotional needs and  physical development.  Our schools are well resourced to cater for these needs and, when necessary,  we have expert external support services and agencies to support us.

Both schools are single storey and are accessible to wheelchair users. We have a disabled toilets and a disabled shower room which includes a second disabled toilet and adjustable changing beds.

The schools’ Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Helen Clarke. She is available should you want to discuss any concerns or worries about your child. Appointments can be made through the School Office or you could ask your child’s class teacher to arrange a mutually convenient meeting time or you can contact her directly via her email address:



The very detailed report for parents (below) should answer your SEN questions. Details of how we support SEN pupils – including specific learning difficulties like Dyslexia, and the support available to parents –  are included in this report.

If you have any questions, please contact Helen Clarke, either by e-mail or by arranging an appointment with her through the School Office.

If you are interested in your child attending Yatton Schools, you are very welcome to arrange to meet with Helen so that she can show you around and answer any questions you might have regarding our SEN provision.