Children at Yatton Schools benefit from a rich and varied curriculum which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Phonics and early reading is a priority throughout the school and is embedded in all areas of learning.
At the heart of our curriculum is the desire to make learning fun, engage children, develop relationships and provide children with a wide range of opportunities to learn in different ways. The curriculum is largely taught through a topic based approach; during the course of the school year, each year group cover topics with a science, history or geography focus or based around a text. Where subjects do not fit easily into the topics they are taught discretely – often RE, Computing, PE, PSHE, and some science.
First hand experiences play an important part of our curriculum and topics usually have visits, visitors or other ‘wow’ moments to engage and motivate our learners.
The school is currently re-developing the curriculum to match the new requirements of Ofsted. Last year we concentrated on English, Mathematics, PSHE, History and Science – working with leaders of the subject and all staff to ensure a robust curriculum that has clearly defined end points that are planned carefully so that sticky knowledge is practised, resulting in children being able to ‘ know more, remember more and do more.’ This year we are looking at Art, DT, Computing, Music and PE.
In 2014 Subject Leaders used the National Curriculum documents to develop the intent for all subjects in our curriculum and this has been taught throughout with no narrowing as we firmly believe that children must experience learning across all subjects.
The curriculum currently is planned in sequences of learning that builds on previous learning; however, leaders are reviewing this in all subjects to ensure these sequences build coherently on the ‘sticky knowledge’ so that there are no gaps that will be obstacles for children moving on successfully in their learning.
The curriculum is planned to ensure all children access it as is appropriate to their needs. SEND children follow the same learning sequences as their peers when appropriate; if not, they have a carefully planned learning menu that meets their small step targets with an emphasis on increasing independence and fluency in learning.
Disadvantaged children have the same opportunities to access the curriculum as their peers – for example, after-school activities and all trips are funded through our ‘Join-Up, Join-In’ provision. This provision also provides children with the opportunity to buy books to enjoy at home.
Being a Yatton Learner underpins all learning in the school and develops children’s skills in becoming a lifelong learner. In the Early Years these are dinosaur-based to help engage our youngest children.
For more details on the subject areas the children will be studying and the key assessment points in the Infant School click on the 'Foundation Stage' and 'Key Stage 1' links on the right or select a specific subject area.
If you need further information or have a query about our curriculum you can contact your child's class teacher or contact the admin team in the school office who can put you in touch with the most appropriate member of staff.
All plans produced by the schools should be read in conjunction with the Primary National Curriculum which can be download below.
The Curriculum Policy for LSP schools can also be read below.